What to Read in 2025
It's time for another monthly newsletter, but instead of making it all about me, me, me... I'm giving you a few recommendations on what to read in 2025. Some of my friends have launched newsletters, some established tech nerds already have theirs running, and despite having no job, I keep buying books! So why look ahead to the 2025 horror show and instead find some things to focus on other than the state of the world?
Writerly Newsletters
- carlgillingham.com - Carl just recently launched a new website on the Ghost platform that combines his love of pugs, colonoscopies, and weird British sayings. Think of David Sedaris mixed with Richard Attenborough, and then mix that with Hugh Grant. Charming, sophisticated... he's Austin Powers without a license to kill.
- The Meaning Makers - Lindsey is what I call a real writer compared to the science fiction schlock I publish on Amazon. She launched a Substack a few months ago, and I've been enjoying her insights and stories.
Tech Nerd Newsletters
- Tania Rascia - I don't understand half of what Tania writes about, but it's all very techy and useful if you find yourself interacting with developers a lot. My go-to "Did you try extending Runnable?" no longer plays in 2024, so I look to Tania to fill me in on all the latest and greatest in software development.
- TL;DR Newsletters - I subscribe to the one about AI, and again, 90% of it goes right over my oddly shaped head. Maybe if I were younger, I could claw my way into what AI is and how to use it and make money off it, but these days, I just like seeing the trends so I can use them in my little stories.

Indie Books
I don't buy enough indie books. I'm hoping to change that in 2025. Here are some I picked up recently:
- Afterglow, Rising From the Ashes by Stacey LP - Looking forward to getting this signed at the next Writer's Night at The Book Burrow.
- Neon Noir by Nina Voss
- Behind Blue Eyes by Anna Mocikat
Friends' Recommendations
- The Nesting by C. J. Cooke
- Red Rising by Pierce Brown - Thanks, Jessa!
- People's History of the United States - Thanks, Matt Damon!
That's a Wrap
As for me:
- I'm still working on House of Nepenthe. Taking my time with the ending so you all feel fulfilled, satisfied, and wanting more after you finish it.
- I'm giving up social media marketing for 2025. In twenty years, I've seen no evidence it does anything except get people to keep scrolling. 🤷♂️
- I'm still losing reviews on Amazon for some reason. If you've got one in your back pocket, now would be a great time to post it.
- I'm still looking for work.

I hope everyone had a great 2024! Buckle up, because it's about to get... I don't even know.
Best of luck to all of us!