Upload Complete: Short Stories

Upload Complete: Short Stories
Photo by Thomas Kelley / Unsplash

I'm happy to report that I've finished uploading all the short stories I care to share to danielverastiqui.com/short-stories. These include selections from The Sum of Memory, Destination Okinawa, and later stories that never made it into a collection. While I'm happy to share these with you, there is definitely a reason these collections are no longer in print. Most of the stories were written around the turn of the century by a young amateur who was definitely not Cool Daniel™️. As such, they are... silly, overly sexual, and the ramblings of a boy who simply wanted to read his own words.

That said, I believe they still have value, if nothing else than to show me how far I've come. I mean, the story content is pretty much the same these days, but I feel I deliver it much better than I used it.

Short Stories
Before novels were invented, people had to read short stories. Of course, then they were just called stories, as longer-format stories had not yet been invented. Some of the short stories below appeared in my first two books, The Sum of Memory and Destination Okinawa. The others, well, who knows

A Brief History of Writing Short Stories

How I began, and why I stopped.