Upload Complete: Short Stories
I'm happy to report that I've finished uploading all the short stories I care to share to danielverastiqui.com/short-stories. These include selections from The Sum of Memory, Destination Okinawa, and later stories that never made it into a collection. While I'm happy to share these with you, there is definitely a reason these collections are no longer in print. Most of the stories were written around the turn of the century by a young amateur who was definitely not Cool Daniel™️. As such, they are... silly, overly sexual, and the ramblings of a boy who simply wanted to read his own words.
That said, I believe they still have value, if nothing else than to show me how far I've come. I mean, the story content is pretty much the same these days, but I feel I deliver it much better than I used it.
A Brief History of Writing Short Stories
How I began, and why I stopped.