Pixelfed - Like Instagram, but Not Owned by Billionaire Lizard People

I'm really pulling for Pixelfed. The app is lacking, the community is small, but it has an air of... not Meta to it. I've been wanting to write a blog post about how YOU MUST DELETE INSTAGRAM, using all my powers of persuasion and piety to convince you to abandon Meta even at the cost of your own community and book sales. But I haven't. There are enough people in this world telling you who to be and what to do, so I'm just going to move on and hopefully lead the way into a decentralized social media future.

One of the points I wanted to make about social media was that no platform lasts forever. I will always want to share photos with friends, but I can do that on MySpace, Facebook, Instagram, and now, Pixelfed. I can move freely between the platforms because it was never about growing a following. Just share photos with your friends. That should be enough.
That said, moving to a new platform comes with a silver lining. As I mentioned, it's quiet on Pixelfed right now. Calm. No annoying ads. No stupid videos with AI-generated scripts and voices. It's just photos.
Show me your photos, won't you?