In the Hearts of Men

In the Hearts of Men
Photo by jules a. / Unsplash

"Good morning, Mr. Lohen. What can I do for you today?"

The stilted man in a brown suit glanced up nervously at the salesman and
removed his weathered hat. He looked quickly to his left, taking in the
two men sitting in chairs in the waiting area.

"Please, come into my office."

Lohen nodded and rotated his hat in his hands.

The salesman's office was large and the expansive walls were filled with
silver frames. Inside each one was the vibrant image of someone's wild
imagination. Lohen had seen them all before and passed them without
interest. He moved quickly to the chair in front of the desk. The
salesman took his seat, leaned forward, and locked his fingers together
in front of him.

"So, where were we?"

From his breast pocket, Lohen produced a small cartridge. He placed the
dull green rectangle on the desk in front of the salesman, removing his
hand slowly. Sitting back, he placed his hat on his knee and looked down
at the floor.