Drenched in Data

My favorite word I hear bandied about at work these days has to be "data lake." Such as "put that in the data lake" or "look at the size of that f-ing data lake!" The term didn't exist in 1997 when House of Nepenthe takes place, so I'll have to wait for a future book to include this in both ironic and unironic ways. "We found the sentient toaster's source code, but there's a problem: it's currently sitting at the bottom of the Kakkoī Namae data lake." Or something like that.
Anyway, according to Google: "The term was coined by James Dixon, Back-End Java, Data, and Business Intelligence Engineer, and it started a new era in how organizations could store, manage, and analyze their data. Data lakes emerged as expansive reservoirs where raw data in its most natural state could commingle freely, offering unprecedented flexibility and scalability."
Now you know the rest of the story, nerd. 🙃