Die Organic - Chapter 4

Die Organic - Chapter 4

The morning of her graduation party, when the first rays of the sun had yet to grace the rooftops of the stately homes on the Copper Vein cul-de-sac, Miri Walker was lying restless with one arm hanging over the edge of her bed. She had tossed and turned all night, plagued by some ill-defined problem that her dream mind just couldn’t find a solution for. Instead, she had spent her night running from room to room in a house that went on forever. There always seemed to be one more corner to turn, one more hallway to run down.

A small consolation of her horrible night was that Miri understood perfectly the why of her preoccupation. Her dreams were manifestations of a feeling that had been growing inside her all week, a gut reaction to a difficult task that had to be completed before a car arrived to take Chip away in little more than twenty-four hours. After that, it would be too late, and the future she imagined for the two of them would be gone forever.

But how was she supposed to do it?

How could she tell Chip she didn’t want to be a synthetic?